
How to Correct the Errors That Occur When Measuring the Precipitation Amount?

rain gauges

A precipitation gauge is an instrument used to measure the amount of precipitation. There are different types of precipitation gauges, each with its specialization, but almost all gather liquid data.

Unfortunately, inaccuracies can still occur when measuring the precipitation level. Many factors can cause these errors, including the human factor. These errors are preventable or amendable, though. Here are ways to avoid or correct these errors, so you have a high chance of getting accurate measurements.

Importance of Accurate Precipitation Measurements

Accurate precipitation measurements are important for a variety of reasons:

  1. Help understand how precipitation affects our environment
  2. Help forecast weather conditions and predict the amount of rainfall that is likely to occur in an area
  3. Are essential for water management and flood control

Accurate precipitation measurements are not always easy to obtain, however. One reason for this is that different types of precipitation measurement instruments produce different results. Additionally, errors can occur during the process of measuring itself, which can lead to inaccurate readings.

Errors While Measuring Precipitation

Here are a few measurement errors that can occur in the field:

  • The precipitation gauge is poorly calibrated.
  • There is a human lapse of judgement during the calibration or operation of the device.
  • Wind blowing at an angle may cause a large difference in measurements between different sites.
  • Dents or imperfections in the collector. Only use gauges from trusted manufacturers.
  • The precipitation measuring device is placed at an angle that prevents accurate readings.

Ways to Avoid or Correct

Below are some of the ways you can minimize errors or correct them when they do occur:

  • Calculate the precipitation amount every day.
  • Measure weekly or monthly rainfall at different times of the day (e.g., morning/night) if that option is available.
  • This will help reduce errors over time due to changes in temperature as well as evaporation rates.
  • Ensure proper calibration through regular testing with known standards before using any type of gauge for measurement purposes.
  • When choosing a rain gauge, make sure you choose one that mitigates the way wind influences rainfall.

Use Only Gauges From Trusted Manufacturers

When it comes to the accuracy of your precipitation gauges, make sure you only use devices made by trusted manufacturers. Comptus is an industry leader in producing high-quality weather measuring instruments. If you need more information on Comptus products, contact us today and request a quote. We’ll be happy to help out.

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