For the most part, there are far more advantages of using a handheld weather meter for outdoor use than there are disadvantages. However, to fully understand both angles of handheld weather instruments, a list of pros and cons is provided. Even if you are on the fence about buying a compact weather device, the information provided will show just how beneficial it is.
Pros of Handheld Weather Instruments
The fact that these instruments cover a broad range of applications is one positive aspect. As an example, the appropriate handheld weather device is beneficial to construction workers and window washers on high platforms, outdoor tent and event providers, fountain control technicians, emergency responders and others. Many jobs that include outdoor work will benefit from handheld weather device.
Another pro of handheld weather instruments is their design. These devices are compact, easy to use and provide valuable information on various types of weather conditions. This means that you get a full report when making critical decisions.
The Weatherflow WEATHERmeter is a perfect example of what you should expect from a top-of-the-line handheld weather meter. Once attached to a smartphone, this device provides incredibly accurate information on temperature, humidity, wind, and pressure. Using Bluetooth technology, you can use several compatible apps to immediately share reports through Twitter, Instagram, instant messaging, email, and more.
The compact size of a handheld weather device is another advantage. Being so small in size, the meter is easy to carry and without any compromise on quality and functionality. Instead of lugging heavy equipment around, the device is pulled out of a pocket or backpack and attached to a smartphone.
Overall, handheld weather instruments are convenient. As the name implies, these devices are made to be held. Although compact in size, these devices are very easy to use. Advance warning of changing weather conditions can even potentially save lives.
Cons of Handheld Weather Instruments
As mentioned, there are no real disadvantages of choosing a handheld weather meter. The only consideration is that as a compact instrument, you may not reap all of the benefits of a full-blown weather station. Even so, the right meter will provide the most critical data for multiple outdoor scenarios.
Comptus is a premier provider of handheld weather instruments. Regardless if you are looking for a handheld weather device that checks wind or one that is capable of providing information about multiple weather elements, we can help. Please visit our website to view all of our products or contact us today to speak to a team expert.