There are two main types of anemometers, one that measures velocity and another that measures pressure. Overall, they play a big role in predicting the weather. Many professionals and organizations that gather and analyze weather-related information depend on a wind vane and an anemometer.
However, these same instruments benefit the HVAC industry as well. As a wind measuring instrument, an anemometer can measure the airflow from both heating and cooling systems. Regardless of the system, when adequate air isn’t produced, there’s no way to keep a home or business comfortably heated or cooled. HVAC experts often rely on wind speed anemometers to determine if there’s an issue.
How They Use This Wind Measuring Instrument
To obtain an accurate reading of the airflow from an HVAC system, a professional technician places an anemometer directly in front of the vent or duct. Remember, even without a wind vane, an anemometer provides readings of the information it collects. So, an HVAC expert can use that data to make appropriate adjustments to a heating or cooling system’s airflow.
Professionals typically rely on hot wire anemometers for HVAC applications. This type of anemometer consists of electrically heated fine wire with needles on either end for support. Unlike traditional wind speed anemometers, this entails an electrical current that passes through to heat the wire element. In turn, it sends power to the hot wire. As a result, it’s possible to maintain the desired temperature at zero airflow.
However, by converting the power signal, this wind measuring instrument determines air velocity. That data appears on an LCD, which allows the technician to make necessary adjustments.
Benefits of Hot Wire Wind Speed Anemometers
For HVAC applications, hot wire wind speed anemometers offer several benefits over other types. For example, this particular type of anemometer features tiny diameter probes. For that reason, a technician can obtain measurements even in hard-to-reach spaces.
Another benefit of this specific wind measuring instrument is its vast temperature range. After all, the BTU varies dramatically depending on the kind and size of the HVAC system. As an example, a heating system for a large commercial building will produce more BTUs compared to one found in a home.
Hot wire wind speed anemometers can measure air between 0 and 10,000 feet per minute or FPM. That represents the distance that air velocity travels. Using a certain calculation, an expert can determine airflow past a certain point inside of an area within the ductwork. Another thing, these anemometers can withstand up to 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Turn to a Reliable Source for HVAC Applications
For accurate airflow readings of your heating and air conditioning system, contact Comptus. We use state-of-the-art wind vane and anemometer devices to obtain accurate readings. For HVAC applications, that allows us to identify and rectify any airflow issues. We look forward to serving you as a valued customer.