Wind speed indicators, also sometimes known as anemometers, are commonly used for monitoring weather conditions. In some instances, such indicators may be used for monitoring weather conditions for specific purposes, such as how they relate to marine travel, industrial work sites, and air travel. Wind speed indicators can provide a wealth of crucial information in such instances. For this article we will focus on commercial and industrial applications.
The heart of a wind speed indicator is the anemometer, or, sensor. The most easily recognizable and proven design is the three cup anemometer. They require no power to operate, and it is easy to recognize when they are functioning. Some types such as propeller, or ultrasonic sensors may wear out more quickly, or require power to operate and keep from freezing. A typical three cup anemometer will complete around 50 million rotations under normal conditions in as few as three to five years.
Wind speed indicators are used in a number ways in the industrial and commercial markets. With the evolution of the Internet of Things and sophisticated computer and building automation systems, wind speed indicators are being used to improve building efficiency, occupant comfort, manufacturing processes and safety. One example that is easy to appreciate is the safety of window washers on tall buildings. Often they will use hand held devices to check when conditions are safe to work. In addition, information regarding wind speed can also be beneficial for assisting public works departments in determining suspension bridge safety. Engineers may also use this information for the purposes of monitoring the sway that bridges may experience in high winds.
Wind instruments are also important for helping wind farm project planners select optimum sites for wind farms. Wind speed indicators can also be used for determining the best size and type of wind turbines. Once a wind farm is established, a wind farm operator will use wind speed indicators to ensure safe and efficient operation of the wind turbines.
Wind speed indicators in conjunction with wind direction indicators are used to control fans that maintain pressure on membrane roofs during varying wind conditions. Wind speed indicators are also used to control ventilation fans for large agricultural buildings in order to keep livestock healthy and cool.
Another interesting use for wind speed indicators is to ensure both safe operation of retractable stadium roofs, and that property is secure in the event of high winds. The wind speed indicator is connected through a circuit board that takes the signal from the sensor and translates it into a signal to be transmitted to a display, data logger, or into a building automation system. Modern computer controlled building automation systems are able to take the signal from the wind speed translator and perform various functions, such as turning on and off lights, alarms and controls, or sending messages via SMS text, phone alerts or email messages to people, so they may take action.
Not all wind speed indicators are alike. It is important to use commercial grade wind speed sensors that are accurate, durable and reliable, and produce an output signal that is compatible with common automation systems and controls. Also, look for companies that will sell you only what you need. Many wind and environmental sensor companies will try to provide complete weather station systems complete with proprietary software and interface packages. If you only need a wind speed indicator there is no need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars extra for a system that is not necessary for your purpose.
These types of devices may also be used in a variety of other settings and industries, including in agricultural research. In this regard, wind direction instruments may be used for monitoring soil erosion as well as the different climatic effects that can occur on various species of plants.